Sunday, April 22, 2012

Time Spent with Friends

Spending time with friends is hard these days.  I mean, with everyone's busy schedules you don't have  much time for one of the most satisfying things of all...spending time with friends.

Time spent with friends is time well spent.

Last night, while in Canada, hanging out with our Canadian neighbors we had some great food, drinks and conversation.  It made me reflect back on the days before my parents divorced and how we would be taken to visits with their friends, or cocktail parties at our house.  All the adults huddled around laughing, eating drinking and reflecting.   At one point I even heard the comment "When we were your age we didn't have cell phones...."  and I smiled, relishing that some things never change, comparisons of now vs. then, hanging out with great people, laughing until your stomach hurts and wondering why you don't have more of these moments.  

1 comment:

  1. oh so true, it is terrible to be so "busy" - so glad you had time to have FUN!!!
